DATE : 18-11-08 18:38
My experience here in PLC is very memorable !
 글쓴이 : Haruka Watanabe
조회 : 186  
I arrived at PLC on September 30th. At first, I was kind of nervous because I’m not confident with my English and I can’t speak Korean. However, as the day goes by I have courage myself to get along with some students and was able to talk with them in English.

And about my classes, I was surprised to find out I’m going to have seven different teachers and need to study seven different books. It was hard to do seven homework every night, but I have gotten in doing it. I have found out the teachers are friendly, kind and professional. And students are also friendly and jolly. I was so happy that even if we speak different language, English connected us. With the managers, I found out them friendly also and I enjoyed the time that I spend with them. Ms. Terry is so generous that she gave me same Japanese foods. I will not also forget the lady in the cafeteria who prepares our breakfast, lunch and dinner. The foods are very delicious. I found out her also very kind.

My experience here in PLC is very memorable. I gained more confidence in communicating with other people using English language. I have learned correct grammar and new words and was able to practice my English-speaking skill.